Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Squid and the Whale (2005)

This film reminded me why movies are made and why I like to watch them. "The Squid and the Whale", Baumbach's semi-autobiographical tale of a disintegrating middle class and intellectual Brooklyn family in the early 1980s, is one of those films in which the more specific it gets, the more universal it feels. The more we understand the individual characters, the more we relate to the story.

The cast is led by Jeff Daniels and Laura Linney portraying respectively Bernard, an arrogant and self-infatuated, once much-acclaimed novelist, and Joan, his rising author star wife. This slice-of-life drama begins with this couple's desire to split and it goes over this developing family conflict from the perspective of each character involved, including their two sons, 16 years-old Walt (Jesse Eisenberg) and his younger 12 years-old brother Frank (Owen Kline).

Full of small tip-of-the-iceberg details, this remarkable screenplay balances drama and humor. It transitions smoothly from the burden that makes parental separation so real to the lightness of everyday relationships that makes it so human. Besides the seriousness of the story's main theme, it is not a heavy tale. At the end of the day, we are just voyeurs of a relatively short period of time as this picture unfolds in front of our eyes.

"The Squid and the Whale" doesn't wrap with tight finality but rather finds an open-ended conclusion worth an after-movie discussion. No, this movie won't change your life, it is not the perfect 'date' movie, but it is an excellent choice of well-done independent American cinema. You can still catch it at the Landmark E Street Cinema in DC.


DramaKing said...

Asshhh! No sirven los comentarios del Post the Hedwig! Asshhh! Por lo tanto comentaré aquí:

Coero M... buuuu para Psesito! Naco! Jajajaja. Hedwig es la neta, aquí va mi letra favorita:

When I woke up from the operation
I was bleeding down there
I was bleeding from the gash between my legs
My first day as a woman
and already it’s that time of the month
But two days later
the hole closed up
The wound healed
and I was left with a one inch mound of flesh
where my penis used to be
where my vagina never was

Jijijiji. En buena onda, QUE PEDO con los gringos, jaja. En fin...



psesito said...

Mi comentario de Hedwig está en el limbo. Simplemente no lo encuentro. Yo no lo borré y ¡pum! desapareció.

¿Qué pasó? ¿Alguien me lo borró? En fin, lo que es la falta de libertad de expresión.

Por cierto, hoy me llegó el CD y es precisamente esa parte de la letra la que me pone incómodo. En fin.