En fin, el punto es que me puse a pensar porqué hay partes en el cuerpo humano donde el pelo crece y crece (como la cabeza) y otras donde se mantiene con una cierta longitud (cejas/brazos). Extraño. Estuve leyendo wikipedia pero no encontré demasiada información al respecto a la longitud, pero sí respecto a las diferencias entre pelo terminal, pelo androgénico, y vello. En fin.
Terminal hair is developed hair, which is generally longer, coarser, thicker and darker than the shorter and finer vellus hair. Phases of growth in it are more apparent than in vellus hair; it generally has a longer anagen phase. It has associated sebaceous glands, whereas a vellus hair may not. Under certain conditions, such as puberty, some vellus hair may become androgenic hair. Under other conditions, such as male pattern baldness, it may revert to a vellus-like state.
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